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Till stöd för ILO och arbetares rättigheter i Palestina.

Till stöd för ILO och arbetares rättigheter i Palestina.

ILO, FN organisationen för arbetslivets villkor genomför just nu sin 104 arbetskonferens. Att ställa länder till svars som kränker grundläggande rättigheter i arbetslivet och att förhandla fram nya verktyg för att förbättra livet för många av världens arbetar, denna gång en rekommendation om övergång från informell till formell ekonomi, är konferensens främsta uppgift.

ILOs Generaldirektör, presenterar två rapporter varje år, dels en om situationen för arbetare på de ockuperade arabiska områdena samt en som i år tar upp framtidens utmaningar i arbetslivet och förslag om hur ILO ska utvecklas efter 2019, då organisationen firar hundra år.

Delegaterna på konferens ges möjlighet att i FNs plenum ge sina synpunkter på rapporterna, nedan följer de svenska arbetstagarnas inlägg.

Madame President!

The work and struggle to achieve the goal of a sustainable working life for all is challenging and complicated – and a strong ILO is a precondition. We must pursue these efforts,  and never give up. The Director General’s report is therefore an important step in the pursuit of a continuously strong ILO and in realising a ”future of work” based on social justice. I wish to thank the Director General for his report.  I also wish to join the Governing Body in supporting the three-step implementation, which is intended to result in four relevant ”centenary conversations” to be held on the occasion of the celebration of the ILO’s 100th anniversary in 2019.

The report clearly demonstrates where the most significant decent work deficits are. While we today are observing relatively positive economic development worldwide, we can at the same time note that the inequalities in the distribution of resources continue to increase. This is clearly apparent in many developing economies, but it is also becoming increasingly manifested in the industrialised world, as indicated in the report.  In my country, Sweden, income gaps are increasing at a faster rate than before[1]. It is therefore of great importance that the future of work conversations should be based on decreasing income gaps, combating poverty and achieving the goal of social protection floors for all.  The report points at the great challenges that we face within the ILO generally; it is however important that we do not forget to pursue the action for womens’ rights and against gender-based violence, in order to achieve a more equal and gender-balanced working life.

All tripartite ILO constituents have important roles to play in the achievement of a modern, pertinent and strong organisation.  The ILO can only be as strong as the constituents make it. Well-functioning social dialogue is one precondition. The fact that the financial crisis of 2008 turned into a social crisis in the European Union was largely a result of the failure to respect the social partners’ autonomous role. Enhancing social dialogue centrally, regionally and locally, is therefore of the utmost importance.  Respect for ILO tripartism and well-developed social dialogue, and the human rights in working life must be of supreme priority as a foundation of the initiative on the future of work and the centenary conversations.

Concrete steps are needed to achieve the objectives of more sustainable working life. We welcome the Swedish government’s initiative, which – together with the social partners – launches a vision for a ”Global Deal between Capital and Labour”. It is based on a strong wish to improve working conditions, corporate performance and inclusive growth by taking tripartite collaboration between workers, employers and governments to a higher level. Discussions are ongoing regarding what steps can be taken within the Global Deal but the goal is clear that these will be developed in accordance with ILO policy, The foundationt of this can be found in the ILO’s core mission such as freedom of association and the right to strike and in additon it is necessary to ensure access to clean water, education and peace and security, in order to fullfil the intentions.

Madam President

On behalf of  the organisation I represent, The Swedish Trade Union Confederation, I want to reafirm our support to finding a lasting solution that will lead to Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security. We welcome the Swedish government’s recognition of Palestine as a state and we belive that our recognition will support theprogressive forces both in Palestine and Israel to be able to act towards achieving a two stat solution.. The decent work deficit in Gaza is acute and the economic development and situation is very severe. Nowhere else in the world is unemployment so high, according to the World Bank. If the borders do not open and the trade blockade is not lifted, the country will soon face a financial collapse. Palestinian workers cannot any longer be denied the right to decent work, equity, democracy, gender equality, freedom and security.

The Swedish Trade Union Confederation will continue to provide solidarity and support to the Palestinian workers.

Thank you!


[1]Cingano, F. (2014), “Trends in Income Inequality and its

Impact on Economic Growth”, OECD Social, Employment and

Migration Working Papers, No. 163, OECD Publishing.


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