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För Palestina, social dialog och hållbara jobb

För Palestina, social dialog och hållbara jobb

Just nu pågår ILOs 106:e arbetskonferens. Generaldirektören, Guy Ryder, presenterar under konferensen hur ILOs ska kombinera anständiga arbetsvillkor med miljömässig hållbarhet.

Ryder presenterar också ILOs rapport om den alltmer prekära situationen för Palestinas arbetare.
De tre parterna, arbetsgivare, regeringar och fackföreningar har rätt att tala om vad det tycker om rapporterna i FNs stora plenar.

Nedan följer det tal som LOs och Sveriges arbetstagardelegat framförde:

Esteemed President.

On behalf of the Swedish workers I would like to emphasise the following;

The challenges that lie ahead for the future of work and ILO come in many forms; the Gig-economy, zero-hour contracts, self-employment and extreme flexibly without security. The technology may be new but the struggle and challenges for decent work and fundamental rights are the same.

The fundamental objective for the ILO since the establishment of the organisation has been to strive for peace and to fight all kinds of unrest. The road to success goes via decent work, equity, democracy, gender equality, freedom and security. A strong and forceful ILO is for that reason more relevant and important in 2017 than ever before.

The Director General’s report emphasises the key role the ILO must play to take on the fight against the negative effects of climate change and to fulfil the Decent Work Agenda. I wish to thank him for the report.

The most unguarded workers will also be the ones who will be hardest hit by the impacts of climate change. One year after the Paris agreement, voices are being heard stating “climate change is exaggerated”, this is just not true. We need to step up our efforts in the fight against the negative effects of climate change through fair transition – there are no jobs on a dead planet, as Mrs Burrows GS of ITUC has stated.
Social dialogue is a cornerstone of the ILO. Respect for the constituents is a precondition for creating a world of work based on Decent Work. The ILO recently demonstrated that countries like Sweden, with strong social partners and respect for workers’ rights, including the right to strike, are better prepared and are more resilient in the event of financial and social unrest.
Last year in the UN General Assembly, The Swedish Prime Minister launched the concept of a Global Deal between labour and capital. To reach the goal of the initiative we are dependent on trust between workers, employers and states.

For states, the Global Deal concept means ratifying and respecting the ILO’s core conventions, including the right to organise, the right to negotiate and the right to strike, as well as recognising social dialogue as an essential part of the democratic form of government.

For employers and companies, this means respecting these rights in practice, taking their social responsibility and being prepared to negotiate agreements locally, regionally or globally.

For trade unions, it means cooperating and taking social responsibility when they negotiate, but also contributing to the overall development of companies.

We, the Swedish workers, support the Swedish Prime Minister’s initiative and we also know that the General Director does so as well.

The Swedish workers together with the ITUC would like to encourage the ILO to continue and step up its efforts to endorse the Global Deal.

21 million people or more are stuck in forced labour around the world; they all bear the burden of poverty. The ratification of the forced labour Protocol is going too slowly. My own government, in Sweden, has now finally ratified the protocol, we thank them for that. The Swedish workers now call upon all other governments and other EU states to ratify the Protocol – time is of the essence.

On behalf of LO and TCO I want to express our profound solidarity with the working men and women of Palestine. The Director General’s report about workers of the occupied Arab territories demonstrates that the decent work deficit in Palestine is alarming – We share the hopelessness and the urge for immediate change to address the reality of the ongoing de-development.

We want to reaffirm our support to finding a lasting solution that will lead to Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and security but today all we can see is an unfair occupation leading in the opposite direction.

The occupation must end; the trade blockade must be terminated and the daily harassment of civilians must be stopped. The workers of Palestine can no longer be denied the right to decent work and a better future.

We welcome the Swedish government’s recognition of Palestine as a state and we believe that it will support the progressive forces both in Palestine and Israel to act towards achieving a two-state solution.

The Swedish workers will continue to provide solidarity and support to the Palestinian workers.

Thank you!


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